Corporate Team Building Like No Other

Are you looking for ideas for unique corporate C & D-Suite team building events? Look no further! Better Than Reality provides tailor-made events like no other for unusual team building activities. Whether over a Cloak & Dagger Weekend or during an Operational Mission, BTR provides the ultimate in offsite team building activities.

Take Your High Performing Team To The Next Level

Based on your input and desired end-state, our professionals will craft a one-of-a-kind event designed to propel your team to the next level of excellence through ultra-challenging and engaging activities that will go above and beyond all expectations. Mission success will only be achieved through close team cooperation, collaboration, flexibility, ingenuity, and persistence.

What To Expect During Our Corporate Team Building Events

Cloak & Dagger Weekends

Upon arrival, our team of tier-one operators will brief and induct your team into the tailor-made scenario crafted specifically for them by providing mission objectives and basic level training and guidance required to successfully achieve their stated mission.

Your team will be challenged to identify, assign, and execute the tasks required to accomplish their mission. Guided by our professionals, your team will employ high levels of cooperation, collaboration, trust, ingenuity, and persistence to achieve success.

At the end of the weekend, feedback will be provided by the same elite tier-one operatives who achieved their real-world missions in high stress, fast moving kinetic environments where teamwork and excellence were prerequisites for mission success.

Operational Missions

This is the ultimate in corporate team building events!

Based on your input and desired end-state, our team will create an operational mission scenario in a global location of your choosing. Prior to activation, over a period of 3 to 6 months, your team will attend several 3 to 5-day training sessions in global locations of your choosing where they will master the training and skills necessary to successfully achieve their mission. All training will be team based and can be as challenging and intense as you desire.

Once training is complete, your team will be activated and deployed to the mission location where they will work together under the guidance of our professional operators. Your team will employ the skills, knowledge, and operational judgment they acquired to complete the mission.

Plan Your Team Building Mission Today

Fill out the form below and a BTR Mission Specialist will be in contact with you.

Cloak & Dagger Weekend Team Building events are priced at $50,000 per person for the duration of three days and two nights and can accommodate up to 8 people.

Operational Mission Team Building events vary in price depending on duration, required training, geographic locations, and number of participants. Minimum cost is $1.5 million for 5 participants at the Agent Level which includes training cycle, and a 2 to 3-day mission in one geographic location.